Well Graded Engineering and Construction Co.,Ltd.


Company Profile: Well Grade Engineering Public Company Limited Subsidiary Founded in 2020 by a group of seasoned engineers with diverse engineering expertise, the company identified a significant growth trend in the demand for engineering services, crucial for supporting the country's economic development. Well Grade Engineering Public Company Limited, a listed company on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, emphasizes providing comprehensive engineering services.

Our core services include infrastructure construction such as roadworks, bridge construction, irrigation systems, electrical systems, and water supply systems. We cater to a wide range of clients including government agencies, state enterprises, and private sector entities.

WGEC is fully equipped to undertake projects as a Main Contractor or as a Sub-contractor. We are also adept at collaborating with other construction companies through joint ventures.
Delivering quality work to advance towards becoming the leading construction company in the country.
1. Deliver high-quality work on time and at a fair price, with the utmost consideration for safety.
2. Continuously develop management practices and improve organizational efficiency.
3. Utilize modern machinery and manage equipment effectively and efficiently.
4. Collaborate with specialized partners to enhance the quality of our work.
Committed to Contracts, Developing Sustainably